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作者: 时间:2021-03-22













如服务用户习惯,针对衰减片提供了两种选择,磁性装配或C接口螺纹,订购信息分别为S-WCD-LCMS-WCD-LCM-C,对于不同波长,除标准型号对于可见光波段(355-1150nm)的检测外,子型号对于355-1350nm波段进行了扩展,通过专用的电子元件、运行程序和传感器相配合,传感器在1310 nm处显示出残留灵敏度。这是拖尾的硅响应,并且至少可以观察到1350 nm。这个拖尾响应中的有效量子效率(QE)约为0.01%;也就是说,可见响应降低了约10倍。尽管QE较低,但如果光源的辐照度足够,WinCamD-LCM-1310摄像机对于1310 nm区域的使用还是非常有吸引力的。

而针对红外波段则提供了使用荧光转换涂层的CMOS元件,可以实现对于1480-1610nm的探测,通过荧光转换涂层将IR转换为VIS,针对于昂贵的InGaAs传感器,该型号为用户提供了一种额外的经济型选择,由于荧光粉涂层的颗粒性质,为了获得良好的精度,最小光束尺寸约为250μm。该设备的1英寸(11.3mmx 11.3mm)传感器非常适合对准和大光束测量。






WinCamD-LCM beam profling camera system (355 to 1150 nm). 5.5 μmpixels, 2048 x 2048, 11.3 x 11.3 mm active area.

Includes magnetic 1" ND flters (MagND-1, MagND-2, MagND-4), 3 m USB 3.0 cable, USB drive with software and user manual.


WinCamD-LCM-C beam profling camera system (355 to 1150 nm) with C-mount flters. 5.5 μm pixels, 2048 x 2048, 11.3 x 11.3 mm active area.

Includes ND-4 (on camera), ND-1, ND-2, 3 m USB 3.0 cable, USB drive with software and user manual.


WinCamD-LCM-C-1310 beam profling camera system (355 to 1350 nm) with C-mount flters. 5.5 μm pixels, 2048 x 2048, 11.3 x 11.3 mm active area.

Includes ND-4 (on camera), ND-1, ND-2, WCD-LPF1290 long pass flter with 50 mm C-mount tube, 3 m USB 3.0 cable, USB drive with software and user manual.


WinCamD-LCM-C-S1 beam profling camera system (355 to 1150 nm) with detector 3.3 mm below case surface with C-mount flters. 5.5 μm pixels, 2048 x 2048, 11.3 x 11.3 mm active area.

Includes ND-4 (on camera), ND-1, ND-2, 3 m USB 3.0 cable, USB drive with software and user manual.


WinCamD-LCM-C-TEL beam profling camera system (1480 to 1610 nm) with C-mount flters. 5.5 μm pixels (25 μm efective), 2048 x 2048, 11.3 x 11. 3 mm active area.

Includes ND-4 (on camera), ND-1, ND-2, WCD-LPF1290

long pass flter, 3 m USB 3.0 cable, USB drive with software and user manual.


WinCamD-LCM-C-UV beam profling camera system (190 to 1150 nm). 5.5 μm pixels, 2048 x 2048, 11.3 x 11.3 mm active area.

Includes C-mount ND (ND-1, ND-2, ND-4) and 1" ND-UV flters with C-mount adapter (NDL-1-UV, NDL-2-UV, NDL-4-UV), 3 m USB 3.0 cable, USB drive with software and user



WinCamD-LCM-CX beam profling camera system (355 to 1150 nm). 5.5 μm pixels, 2048 x 2048, 11.3 x 11.3 mm active area.

Includes magnetic 1" ND flters (MagND-1, MagND-2, MagND-4), 3 m USB 3.0 cable, USB drive with software and user manual. Includes calibration certifcate and sensor plane

position tolerance ± 0.2 mm.


WinCamD-LCM-NE beam profling camera system (355 to 1150 nm). 5.5 μm pixels, 2048 x 2048, 11.3 x 11.3 mm active area. Enhanced spectral response above ~600 nm (no operation below 355 nm). Includes magnetic

1" ND flters (MagND-1, MagND-2, MagND-4), 3 m USB 3.0 cable, USB drive with software and user manual.


WinCamD-LCM-NE-C beam profling camera system (355 to 1150 nm) with C-mount flters. 5.5 μm pixels, 2048 x 2048, 11.3 x 11.3 mm active area. Improved spectral response above ~600 nm (no operation below 355 nm).

Includes ND-4 (on camera), ND-1, ND-2, 3 m USB 3.0 cable, USB drive with software and user manual.


WinCamD-LCM-NE-C-1310 beam profling camera system (355 to 1350 nm) with C-mount flters. 5.5 μm pixels, 2048 x 2048, 11.3 x 11.3 mm active area. Improved spectral response above ~600 nm (no operation below 355 nm).

Includes ND-4 (on camera), ND-1, ND-2, WCD-LPF1290 long pass flter with 50 mm C-mount tube, 3 m USB 3.0 cable, USB drive with software and user manual.


WinCamD-LCM-NE-C-S1 beam profling camera system (355 to 1150 nm) with C-mount flters and detector 3.3 mm below case surface. 5.5 μm pixels, 2048 x 2048, 11.3 x 11.3 mm active area. Improved spectral response above ~600 nm (no operation below 355 nm).

Includes ND-4 (on camera), ND-1, ND-2, 3 m USB 3.0 cable, USB drive with software and user manual.


WinCamD-LCM-NE-S1 beam profling camera system (355 to 1150 nm) with detector 3.3 mm below case surface. 5.5 μm pixels, 2048 x 2048, 11.3 x 11.3 mm active area. Enhanced spectral response above ~600 nm (no operation below 355 nm).

Includes magnetic 1" ND flters (MagND-1, MagND-2, MagND-4), 3 m USB 3.0 cable, USB drive with software and user manual.


WinCamD-LCM-NE-S1.5 beam profling camera system (355 to 1150 nm) with detector housing fush with case surface. 5.5 μm pixels, 2048 x 2048, 11.3 x 11.3 mm active area. Enhanced spectral response above ~600 nm (no operation below 355 nm).

Includes magnetic 1" ND flters (MagND-1, MagND-2, MagND-4), 3 m USB 3.0 cable, USB drive with software and user manual.


WinCamD-LCM-S1 beam profling camera system (355 to 1150 nm) with detector 3.3 mm below case surface. 5.5 μm pixels, 2048 x 2048, 11.3 x 11.3 mm active area.

Includes magnetic 1" ND flters (MagND-1, MagND-2, MagND-4), 3 m USB 3.0 cable, USB drive with software and user manual.


WinCamD-LCM-S1.5 beam profling camera system (355 to 1150 nm) with detector housing fush with case surface. 5.5 μm pixels, 2048 x 2048, 11.3 x 11.3 mm active area.

Includes magnetic 1" ND flters (MagND-1, MagND-2, MagND-4), 3 m USB 3.0 cable, USB drive with software and user manual


WinCamD-LCM-TEL beam profling camera system (1480 to 1610 nm). 5.5μm pixels (25 μm efective), 2048 x 2048, 11.3 x 11.3 mm active area.

Includes magnetic 1" ND flters (MagND-1, MagND-2, MagND-4), MagND-LPF1290 long pass flter, 3 m USB 3.0 cable, USB drive with software and user manual.


WinCamD-LCM-TEL-S1.5 beam profling camera system (1480 to 1610 nm) with detector housing fush with case surface. 5.5 μm pixels (25 μm efective), 2048 x 2048, 11.3 x 11.3 mm active area.

Includes magnetic 1"ND flters (MagND-1, MagND-2, MagND-4), MagND-LPF1290 long pass flter, 3 m USB 3.0 cable, USB drive with software and user manual


WinCamD-LCM-UV beam profling camera system (190 to 1150 nm). 5.5 μm pixels, 2048 x 2048, 11.3 x 11.3 mm active area. Includes magnetic 1" ND and ND-UV flters (MagND-1, MagND-2, MagND-4, MagND-1-UV, MagND-2-UV, MagND-4-UV), 3 m USB 3.0 cable, USB drive with software and user manual.





TaperCamD-LCM beam profling camera system (355 to 1150 nm). 12.5 μm (efective) pixels, 2048 x 2048, 25 x 25 mm active area.

Includes 2" NDXL flters (NDXL-1, NDXL-2, NDXL-4), 3 m screw locking USB 3.0 cable, USB drive with software and user manual.

产品导航 : 光束整形器分束器螺旋相位板微透镜阵列径向偏振片(S波片)红外观察仪激光防护眼镜显微镜载物台显微镜自动对焦量子级联激光器266nm激光器光斑分析仪光束质量分析仪激光晶体电控位移台主动被动隔震台太赫兹源太赫兹相机

友情链接 : 维尔克斯光电  中国供应商                                                                                                         中科光学

版权所有:深圳海纳光学有限公司 粤ICP备18089606号
电话:0755-84870203 邮箱:sales@highlightoptics.com